Sunday 1 September 1996


Starting guide on Kawasaki Station

A issue additional notes of a fast special express and a temporary stop in Kamata were done to the diamond in the summer of 1995. A fast special express in the evening becomes two continuation of putting for 20 minutes though it was announced, "A fast special express of going up is put for ten minutes on descending and the evening in the morning in the weekend". It becomes starting of 123 in Kawasaki.

To tell the truth, it is not possible to run fast in a fast special express of an early extra flight, and it will continue from Kanagawa-Shimmachi every minute though it seems to have become empty for very ten minutes in the vicinity of Miura-kaigan.
  It descends in forwarding though a lot of people are waiting for a fast special express in the first line though a fast special express of the extra flight arrives at the third at Shinagawa Station line.

No issue additional notes of a fast special express : this year (1996) Thank you 120-kilo driving is felt a problem by me. In that case, the express in the Shinagawa entrance and the number adjustment of the special express might be needed though driving every ten minutes is expected in the future by Masonawa of 600 shape. All special expresses connected with the Haneda express of the Kamata arrival and departure should be likely to be set to the subway riding as a Haneda express.

2000 shape saved with Umugieki
Forwarding a fast special express of the extra flight of the summer of 1995 overdid an express and a fast special express in the passing track of Umugi.
  The photograph is 2000 shape outstripped for express   Shin-Zushi.

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